Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"And the Weather will Change"

NaPoWriMo Day 2:  “And the Weather will change”
Today’s writing prompt is the use of Bibliomancy (a form of divination that uses literature).  I was sent to and got the following prompt:

feel lucky today? Lord knows I do. God,  it’s hot today, or too damned cold, but just you wait 
and the weather will change, whether you want it to or not. 
from “The New Gods” by Reginald Shepherd

This year I am challenging myself not to over-think and/or over-edit my poems for the challenge.  I tend to be very picky about when a poem "feels" complete to me and don't like to share an piece until I feel I have it just so.  This is one of the reasons I didn't make it much past the first week last year.  Granted I won't just throw any string of words together.  I will still strive for quality in my work...just not um...well perfection?  ^_^

In this particular piece, I was attempting to infer that Weather was something more than just literal 'weather' as the quote made me think of many of the contentious issues people in my country are bickering over that has to do with change.  I am uncertain if it worked and hope if any of you have feedback (preferably constructive feedback)  I would be most grateful for thoughts and comments! 


“And the Weather Will Change”

And the weather will change…
Whether you want it to or not

Because a sun that rises high in summer
Must always sink low in winter
Before it can rise again
Will you fear the dark or embrace the dawn?

Even the softest breeze can blow without mercy
And reshape the contours of hill and vale
Will you be worn away or bend to the wind?

Rain that nourishes small streams to life
Can also turn currents into gluttonous beasts
Will you fight the tide or drift to new horizons?

Because….the weather WILL change,

Whether you want it to or not.

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