Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"In the Garden"

NaPoWriMo Day 1: 
Well me Lords and Lassies!  It's that time of year again...30 poems in 30 days for NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month).  I failed miserably at this challenge last year, but never let it be said that I won't 'try try try try try again" until I reach that goal.

The first prompt of the month/challenge is to write an ekphrastic poem – a poem inspired by or about a work of art. There’s no rules on  form for an ekphrastic poem, which suits me just fine as I typically write free verse. I knew instantly what particular piece of artwork would inspire me for this first poem on this first day.

 Garden of Taut by Aakheperure Merytsekhmet is a beautiful piece of original papyrus art that is painstakinly drawn and painted with well-researched Ancient Egyptian artwork.  This particular piece is one of the artist's  that I keep coming back to because of the stunning colors and evocative images.  I look at it and am transported to an Ancient Egyptian garden, where flowers and nature soothe the soul.  Aakheperure has a variety of art available at  http://aakheperure.redbubble.com.  You can also follow Aakheperure G+ !  Yes that's a plug! We artists stick together and support each other in our creative endeavors and I know +Aakheperure has inspired my works!

“In the Garden”

In the garden
Where water flows and blossoms grow
Color and light play on glassy surface
And voices have fallen silent

In the garden
Where feathered fowl and sparkling fin frolic free
Painted tiles carve the floral paths
And blazing sun slides to sleep

In the garden
Where life renews in death’s embrace
Blue lotus petals fold into the watery depths
And peace lasts eternal

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